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RSS FeedsTrudeau, facing questions about blackface, does not deny more photos or videos could exist
(The Star Environment)


20 september 2019 01:44:06

Trudeau, facing questions about blackface, does not deny more photos or videos could exist
(The Star Environment)

OTTAWA—Justin Trudeau said he “deeply, deeply regrets” his actions Thursday, a day after photos emerged of him appearing in brownface during his time as a teacher. “Darkening your face, regardless of the context and circumstances, is always unacceptable, because of the racist history of blackface,” Trudeau told reporters Thursday afternoon in Winnipeg. “I should have understood that then.”Trudeau said he had to take responsibility for what he did, and that he let a lot of people down.“I appreciate you calling it makeup, but it was blackface,” Trudeau said, answering a reporter’s question. “I didn’t see that from the layers of privilege that I have.”Trudeau was asked directly whether he had been in blackface or brownface more than three times. “I shared the events that I remember,” Trudeau said, adding he was wary of being definitive on the matter after recalling two incidents Wednesday night and then a third case was revealed by Global News on Thursday morning. He acknowledged that it’s hard to believe that he can’t remember how many times he wore blackface.Trudeau called this “personally a moment to reflect” on what white privilege has meant. “I have to recognize that I was blind to the pain that I may have caused at those times and that I am now causing to people that count on me to defend them,” Trudeau said. Asked when he realized blackface was racist, Trudeau said he learned during his time as the MP for Papineau, representing people of all origins.Trudeau said he regrets deeply that parents across Canada had to have difficult conversations with their kids today because of his actions.My father “wouldn’t be pleased with how I behaved but perhaps taking responsibility for it was important,” Trudeau said.Before speaking at the news conference, he spent Thursday talking to Liberal candidates and community leaders to of ...

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