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RSS FeedsBackyard deer raise concerns about spread of disease: Health Matters
(WorldNews Health)


8 december 2019 11:37:56

Backyard deer raise concerns about spread of disease: Health Matters
(WorldNews Health)

Q: Do deer carry diseases that can harm people and pets? I am concerned about chronic wasting disease, Lyme disease and scabies. - South Euclid resident A: The answer is different for each of these diseases. White-tailed deer, which state wildlife officials say is the only type found in Ohio, harbor the ticks associated with Lyme disease, but deer donīt pass the disease to humans. Deer are carriers of chronic wasting disease, but the illness is not prevalent in Ohio. Deer donīt pass mange to humans. There were an estimated 670,000 deer in Ohio in 2017, according to the website DeerFriendly.com. Deforestation and loss of habitat has pushed more deer herds into suburban areas, where itīs...

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