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RSS FeedsEON Super 64 HDMI Adapter Review: The Cost Of Convenience
(GameSpot DS News)


19 july 2019 18:30:38

EON Super 64 HDMI Adapter Review: The Cost Of Convenience
(GameSpot DS News)

There was a time not that long ago when video game consoles didn`t support a common standard like HDMI, and we instead relied on a range of different analog connections to play low-res games on bulky CRT TVs. Composite video, the most common of these connections, resulted in blurry, noisy images, but hardly anyone noticed or cared at the time. Plug that same cable into your HDTV today and you may have a very hard time looking past the color bleeding, improper de-interlacing, and slow image scaling that results. This is where a product like EON`s Super 64 HDMI adapter comes in handy, but at $150, you might think twice before investing above and beyond the cost of the console itself just to upgrade its video output.The Super 64 is still based on an analog video signal, but it draws on the N64`s S-Video encoder, which provides a noticeably cleaner image than composite. The Super 64 then upscales and digitizes the audio and video to send it over HDMI to your TV. While your TV also includes a signal processor that will upscale a composite or S-Video signal in roughly the same manner, the Super 64 is designed with retro gaming in mind, offering faster, more intelligent upscaling to 480p, which results in a cleaner image and less input lag than connecting a low-res analog source directly to your HD or 4K TV.Click the image for a closer look at the difference the Super 64 makes over standard composite video.While this may sound complicated if you`re unfamiliar with these terms, using the Super 64 is a very straightforward process: plug it into your Nintendo 64, connect an HDMI cable to the other end and plug it into your TV, and start playing. The only option you have is to press a small button that activates Slick mode, which is just a fancy term for a smoothing filter that can blur rough edges--an effect that really just muddies the overall image. Otherwise, the Super 64 simply works, and that includes with notoriously finicky games that output unusual resolutions out ...

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