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RSS FeedsApex Legends Vs. Fortnite: What's Different And What's The Same
(GameSpot Wii News)


15 february 2019 01:25:09

Apex Legends Vs. Fortnite: What's Different And What's The Same
(GameSpot Wii News)

Apex Legends has stormed onto the battle royale scene in its first week, gathering some 25 million players into three-person squads, according to developer Respawn Entertainment. That`s a lot of players--although not quite as many as the huge 200 million registered Fortnite players. The speed at which Apex Legends has gathered a massive community, however, has caused many to speculate that it might be the next big thing. And it seems that Epic Games has taken notice: the Fortnite developer made its Battle Pass for Season 8 free if you earn it by completing challenges. Each season`s battle pass dishes out a bunch of free in-game items and normally runs about $10.For those who aren`t already dedicated Fortnite players or on the Apex Legends train, that leads to a question: which of the two should you play? Both games are free, making their money from selling in-game cosmetic items. And both use the battle royale formula, in which players compete against a huge number of competitors to be the last one standing. There are a lot of differences between Apex Legends and Fortnite, though, and knowing what they are can help make the decision of which is the game you should be playing.Here`s a complete breakdown of what Fortnite does, what Apex Legends does, and how they`re similar and different, to help you decide. Third Person Versus First PersonThe most noticeable difference between Apex Legends and Fortnite is the perspective each uses. Apex Legends is a first-person shooter, and everything you do other than jumping into a match from the drop ship happens from the perspective of your player character. Meanwhile, Fortnite is a third-person game, so the camera is positioned behind the player character.The difference in camera makes for a different experience in each game. In Apex Legends, you can only see what`s in front of you. Third-person games give you a little more situational awareness thanks to the distance of the camera from the character, but it generally m ...

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