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RSS Feeds11 Worst Movie Spin-Offs Of All Time, Ranked
(GameSpot PS2)


18 october 2018 15:54:45

11 Worst Movie Spin-Offs Of All Time, Ranked
(GameSpot PS2)

When is a sequel not a sequel? The movie spin-off is a curious thing, and there are a variety of reasons why a studio might make a spin-off rather than a direct sequel. While most producers would happily pump out successful sequels for as long as there is money to be made, sometimes it`s not possible, especially if the main stars from the original movie aren`t willing to be involved. And so a spin-off can be be made at a lower budget with supporting characters. Sometime, a side character can emerge as a fan favorite, other times a spin-off is produced simply to restore interest in a floundering series. In all cases, the hope is that the spin-off becomes so successful that it launches its own franchise.Unfortunately, it doesn`t always work out very well. It`s easy to overestimate the interest in a franchise, and taking a character out of the context of a successful movie often removes what made them interesting in the first place. While 2015`s Star Wars spin-off Rogue One was a huge success, this year`s Solo was not, leading Disney itself to admit that it released too much Star Wars product too quickly. On the other hand, the Harry Potter spin-off Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them did not rely on characters from the main series and seems to have kick-started it`s own multi-film series.Venom arrives in the theaters this weekend. It`s a curious spin-off, which takes a character originally featured with Spider-Man comic books, but contains barely any reference to Spidey at all. Nevertheless, it has relied on fan interest in the character to drive its success, and based on its massive opening weekend gross, we can expect plenty more similar spin-offs from Spider-Man-related heroes and villains in the years to come. Nevertheless, as the following list reveals, the history of the spin-off is filled with movies that don`t work, that bombed at the box office, and that simply should never have been made in the first place. So here`s 11 of the worst spin-off movies e ...

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