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RSS FeedsBethesda Acknowledges That Taking Fallout Online Is `Scary`
(GameSpot PS2)


13 october 2018 18:32:06

Bethesda Acknowledges That Taking Fallout Online Is `Scary`
(GameSpot PS2)

Fallout 76 will no doubt be a big change of pace for the series upon its November 14 release on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Trading out the traditional single-player experience for a shared-world multiplayer survival game, the upcoming prequel sets itself apart from its predecessors in a very clear way. Despite the larger scope and other players to interact with, Bethesda`s online game still focuses on offering a rich and detailed world to explore, with its fair share of strange events and oddities to uncover, but there`s no doubt that world-building has taken a backseat in the process.There was a lot to unpack after our hands-on time with the game at a recent event, so we spent some time talking with Bethesda Softworks` VP of Marketing Pete Hines about the game`s ongoing development. During this chat, we learned more about Fallout 76`s previous life as a potential multiplayer mode for Fallout 4, the initial worries the developers had in switching things up, and how the game will continue to evolve long after its release.Editor`s note: This interview has been edited for clarity and readability.The original concept of Fallout 76 was based on the planned multiplayer mode for Fallout 4. Can you talk about what that original idea was, and how it evolved into what we have now?Hines: Yeah, the original idea for 76 was born out of revisiting the concept that we get asked about often, which is multiplayer or co-op in our games. They ask every single time we release a game. Looking into that for Fallout 4, we decided that we had some ideas but it wouldn`t really work for what we`re doing for that game. It had to be its own separate game and its own separate thing. From a high level, it`s very much what you guys got to play today [in other games], you can play with others, but you`re in a shared Fallout world with quests, a character system, and a number of survival aspects.We have done some things differently, like there`s no NPCs in the game and you`re not having dialogue wi ...

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