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RSS FeedsE3 2018: Witcher 3 Helped With Cyberpunk 2077's Combat
(GameSpot PSP News)


14 june 2018 20:28:23

E3 2018: Witcher 3 Helped With Cyberpunk 2077's Combat
(GameSpot PSP News)

CD Projekt Red shared some more details about its highly anticipated RPG, Cyberpunk 2077. During GameSpot`s E3 2018 Stage Show, associate design director Kyle Rowley sat down with us and discussed how the developer is using the lessons it learned from The Witcher 3 on its new sci-fi RPG, particularly with regard to its combat system.Cyberpunk 2077 features both ranged and melee combat, and the latter in particular benefited from the developer`s work on Witcher. `We learned quite a lot from the combat in Witcher 3, and we`re translating that to the lessons we learned in the gameplay about how to do melee and try to transfer that to Cyberpunk,` Rowley said. `Obviously it`s very different in the fact that we`re now doing it from a first-person perspective rather than from a third-person, but the lessons that we learned in Witcher, we can definitely translate.`Rowley also revealed that weapons in Cyberpunk 2077 fall into three general categories: power, tech, and smart. Power weapons were described as more `traditional weapons that you would have nowadays,` such as high-impact guns. `When you fire them, we may have, for example, exaggerated hit reactions and staggers to kind of emphasize the hit impacts,` Rowley said.Tech weapons, on the other hand, focus primarily on penetrating through walls, NPCs, and other objects. The final category, smart weapons, can track and follow targets around the games. As Rowley explained, these types of weapons were designed to be accessible to players, regardless of how good they are at shooters:`Again, because we`re a role-playing game and we understand some people aren`t necessarily averse to twitch-based combat who like playing role-playing games, we tried to design the smart weapons around being something that people can pick up and play casually without necessarily having to be super-efficient with shooting people in the head or more twitch-based, reaction-based combat, so we`re trying to cater to both audiences there with that. ...

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