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RSS FeedsAvengers: Infinity War Cast Were Given Fake Scripts To Stop Spoilers
(GameSpot PS2)


17 april 2018 14:41:46

Avengers: Infinity War Cast Were Given Fake Scripts To Stop Spoilers
(GameSpot PS2)

While avoiding movies spoilers is always challenge, the level of secrecy that surrounds this month`s Avengers: Infinity War is unusually high. Although there have been plenty of trailers and TV spots released over the past few weeks, little is known about the plot beyond the basic outline--namely all the heroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe come together to fight the evil Thanos. Directors Anthony and Joe Russo have already issued an appeal to fans not to spoil the film`s surprises, and now both the filmmakers and the cast have spoken about the other lengths they have gone to.In an interview with GamesRadar, Joe Russo revealed that they wrote fake scripts for their stars, so that even they didn`t know all the events of Infinity War. `We put a lot of effort into making sure nobody knows the true story of the film,` he said. `All the actors were given fake scripts. Very few people have seen the actual film itself.``We can`t trust anybody--at least of all [Spider-Man actor] Tom Holland!--with the truth,` he continued. `It`s a burden to bear for them. It`s probably easier to have read a fake script and a fake ending because they don`t have the pressure of knowing what happens in the movie and then they have to hide it.`Paul Bettany, who plays the Vision in the MCU, confirmed that all the actors spent time rehearsing with scripts `that had fake scenes in it, fake twists in it, fake storylines.``You get on set and they say, `All of that stuff you read? That`s not what happens!`,` Bettany said. `Then they give us the real deal and we kind of deal with it there and then.`There have been many rumors about the movie--including that not all the heroes will make it out alive. In addition, we still don`t know the title of next year`s Avengers 4, because revealing it would will spoil the events of Infinity War. `The fact that the Russo brothers won`t give us the Avengers 4 title because it spoils Infinity War scares the s**t outta me,` a fan tweeted earlier this month, to ...

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