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RSS FeedsTomb Raider Review: The New Lara Croft Is Here To Stay
(GameSpot Xbox 360 News)


17 march 2018 07:55:27

Tomb Raider Review: The New Lara Croft Is Here To Stay
(GameSpot Xbox 360 News)

The new Tomb Raider is a pretty good action movie and a better than average video game adaptation, with a stunning performance from Oscar winner Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft. What really elevates it, though, are a couple of extremely specific story and design decisions that set it apart from all its contemporaries, from Indiana Jones and Uncharted to past Tomb Raider games and movies.To say exactly where the story goes that makes Tomb Raider so unique would be a spoiler, but let`s just say it stays surprisingly grounded.That`s a word you can apply to more or less the whole movie. Much of the action is heightened to unbelievable proportions, though no more so than in the 2013 Tomb Raider game, which was widely praised for its `gritty realism.` The movie is a direct adaptation of that game, and it more than does it justice, even surpassing it in many ways.Like the 2013 game (which itself was a major series reboot), the 2018 Tomb Raider movie follows a younger, less experienced Lara Croft in an origin story that sees her transforming by necessity into the skilled adventurer who gamers know and love. The film does a great job providing plausible explanations for Lara`s many talents; as a young bicycle courier and amateur MMA fighter in London, Lara has the reflexes and athleticism she`ll later use to scale rock walls and parkour her way through ancient tombs. And Vikander totally sells every punch, leap, and plunge, her amazingly chiseled muscles flexing and straining impressively throughout the movie.Lara`s father, Lord Richard Croft (Dominic West), has been missing for several years when we catch up with her in the movie. But she hasn`t yet signed the papers that would give her control of his vast business empire and wealthy estate, out of a combination of determined independence and a stubborn refusal to admit he really isn`t coming back. When she discovers new clues to where he disappeared to, she pawns what little she has (to a very funny Nick Frost) and hurls ...

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