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RSS FeedsPlenty of operatic talent at Adler Showcase, but few sparks
(WorldNews Entertainment)


11 december 2017 00:17:29

Plenty of operatic talent at Adler Showcase, but few sparks
(WorldNews Entertainment)

The amount of sheer vocal talent on offer among the San Francisco Opera Center´s current crop of Adler Fellows has never been in doubt. This is a formidable collection of stars in the making and, well, stars already made. But it´s possible to assemble a boatload of gifted singers and still wind up with an evening that never quite catches fire. It happened at the War Memorial Opera House on Friday night, with the annual showcase concert dubbed `The Future is Now.` Once again, the nine singers who are at or near the end of the company´s training program gathered for a series of arias and duets designed to highlight both their own innate abilities and the beneficial effects of their education....

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