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RSS FeedsMicrosoft Your Phone for Android: What is it and how does it work?
(Android Central)


15 july 2021 14:10:09

Microsoft Your Phone for Android: What is it and how does it work?
(Android Central)

Linking your phone and desktop. While most people use more than one type of device throughout their day, plenty of people spend the bulk of their day staring at a computer screen. While it`s fine to pick up your phone and send a message or browse the web, even the best Android phones have a relatively small screen when compared to a PC monitor. It stands to reason, then, that linking your phone and PC together could be a huge boon to productivity and just makes communication and multitasking easier. That`s where the Microsoft Your Phone app comes in. Your Phone helps link your phone and your PC together in a way that helps you keep track of what`s happening on your smartphone without having to constantly pick it up. The Microsoft Your Phone app helps link your PC with your Android phone in a way that`s similar to how Apple links macOS with iOS, or how Google links Chrome OS with Android. It helps you read and reply to text messages, view and manage photos on your phone, manage and...

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