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RSS FeedsWhy does Chrome use so much memory?
(Android Central)


16 february 2021 13:43:08

Why does Chrome use so much memory?
(Android Central)

Here`s why something like a web browser can eat away at all of your memory. The Chrome browser runs pretty well on the best Chromebooks and even the cheaper ones, but it just eats RAM like candy on any other desktop platform. If you`re the type who can`t help but look at your computer`s task manager, you`ll see Chrome listed over and over, and each one of those instances seems to be sucking up more memory than it should. The crazy thing is that means it`s working as intended. It`s all because of the way Google Chrome sandboxes the browser processes. Let`s say you open Chrome to just your empty tab with the Google search box there. That means you have two Chrome processes running, each needing its own memory. Add another tab and you get three. Add the 50 or so tabs you end up opening by the end of the night and you have 51, each running semi-independently from the other and each taking up system resources. That`s only the beginning. Each extension starts another process. Chrome doe...

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