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RSS FeedsHas the foldable killed the tablet or just made it better?
(Android Central)


25 december 2020 17:41:26

Has the foldable killed the tablet or just made it better?
(Android Central)

Tablets have seemingly always been on the brink of death, but I`m not counting them out yet. Everybody`s always trying to predict and proclaim the death of tablets. We`ve seen it since the dawn of the first `phablet` devices like the original Galaxy Note; with a big enough phone, who needs to spend even more money on a bigger, less portable touchscreen device with more or less the same features? That argument actually holds some merit. I have a few tablets sitting around, including high-end options like the Galaxy Tab S7+, that I almost never so much as boot, because between my phone for casual use and my laptop for work, all of my needs are met with just two devices. There`s just not much reason for me to carry around a third piece of tech that takes up more space in my backpack and, with additional accessories like a keyboard and stylus, can often reach upwards of $1,000. But tablets have their own advantages that neither phones nor laptops can fully match. They`re con...

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