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RSS FeedsMicrosoft Teams Spotlight is here to highlight specific speakers
(Windows Phone Central)


18 september 2020 18:26:13

Microsoft Teams Spotlight is here to highlight specific speakers
(Windows Phone Central)

Spotlight lets you lock the view for everyone in a call to highlight a specific person. What you need to know Microsoft Teams Spotlight is rolling out to the general public. The feature allows you to highlight a specific person within a call for everyone to see. You can Spotlight anyone within a call, such as students or teachers. Microsoft is rolling out its Spotlight feature to Microsoft Teams. The feature allows you to lock the view for everyone within a call to highlight a specific person. Spotlight starts rolling out today and should be fully available in late September. Spotlight is different than `Pin participant,` which only pins a video for the view of a single person. In contrast, Spotlight highlights a specific person within the call to everyone on the call. For example, a teacher could spotlight themselves so the entire class always has the teacher in view. Then, when a student is answering a question or presenting, the teacher could switch the spotlight to that stu...

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