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RSS FeedsMicrosoft was warned that adding GPT-4 into Bing would get weird


13 june 2023 22:04:09

Microsoft was warned that adding GPT-4 into Bing would get weird

Earlier this year when Microsoft integrated an AI chatbot into Bing, the makers of that AI warned them that it wasn`t ready. Microsoft did it anyway and things went off the rails right away. If it seems like some companies are needlessly rushing to be the first to implement AI in their products, well, you`re right. It`s happening across the industry, and some companies like Apple are taking small steps like using it in the next iPhone keyboard, while others are going all in and putting a GPT-powered chat assistant into basically every product they offer. And that`s yielded some wild results — while usage of Microsoft`s Bing search tools hasn`t seen a dramatic increase, it did receive a lot of attention, and that attention revealed that Bing`s AI was quite the manipulator and liar. It`s been a problem with ChatGPT and other AI chatbots since they first started showing up: they don`t know what they don`t know, and will draw on their database of information to make up something that s...

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