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RSS FeedsEdward Keenan: Maybe it´s actually a good thing if I don´t understand my kids´ homework
(The Star Fashion & Style)


16 march 2019 02:38:43

Edward Keenan: Maybe it´s actually a good thing if I don´t understand my kids´ homework
(The Star Fashion & Style)

Near as I can tell, people have been complaining about the “new math” for roughly as long as there has been math. The common-sense critics of ancient Greece, for example, resisted representing zero as a number, because, duh, everyone knows nothing can’t be something. The numerals we use today were introduced to Europe by at least 1202, but didn’t replace the Is and Vs of Roman numerals in common use there until the invention of the printing press roughly CCLXXX years later. You imagine some stern dad of the time staring at his kid’s homework and shaking his head at the absurdity of the need to line digits up in columns representing factors of 10 that reflect the logic of the decimal system.“In my day, we learned to sum DXXVI plus LVIII in our heads…” This was true when I was growing up when my aunts and uncles complained that the system of long division I was learning was ridiculous. It remains true today, when everyone is convinced the “discovery math” their kid is learning is convoluted bafflegab producing a generation of innumerate fools.That last bit, it seems to me, was behind the announcement of changes to the math curriculum by provincial Minister of Education Lisa Thompson on Friday. There were, what seem to me at first read, to be encouraging elements among the changes, to be sure: more funding for math learning, extra help for schools specifically struggling, more emphasis on training in math for teachers. Given that our students’ performance in math shows some struggles by international standards, these are understandable enough steps.Read more:Ford government announces hikes to high school class sizes, but no changes to kindergartenGroup worries kids with other disabilities forgotten amid autism crisisPremier Doug Ford says education is ‘going back to the basics’But that all was the fine print to a “back to basics” pledge that will, as my colleague Kristin Rusho ...

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