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RSS FeedsIf you shoot someone dead in Toronto - you have a three in five chance of getting away with murder
(The Star Toronto Raptors)


20 september 2018 23:41:28

If you shoot someone dead in Toronto - you have a three in five chance of getting away with murder
(The Star Toronto Raptors)

If you kill someone with a gun in Toronto — you have a three in five chance of getting away with murder.This startling statistic comes directly from Toronto police. If you use any other weapon, your chances of being charged skyrocket.Why are so many gun homicides unsolved in Toronto? Metroland Media’s investigative team spoke to police, community activists and academics to try to identify the barriers, and some possible solutions.In this first of a two-part investigation, we tell the stories of Demal Graham and Kiesingar Gunn, two young men shot to death in the prime of their lives. No one has been charged in their murders.Demal Graham ‘was someone you could definitely confide in’People know who killed Demal Graham — about that, Shauna Brown is certain.Brown started hearing rumours a couple of months after her son, a shy man devoted to making music in his basement studio, was shot in their driveway on July 23, 2017.Graham, 25, was watching his daughter playing on townhouse steps across the street when a car came circling by on Empringham Drive in Malvern.Police later told Brown they didn’t think her son was an “intended target.”Maybe he was just the first man his killers saw.But more than a year later, he’s dead and they’re still anonymous, except, Brown believes, to a sizable number of people who know something but won’t tell, because that would mean “snitching.”Some are “close enough to have known me. Some of these people have been inside my home. They knew my granddaughter, they know my girls,” said Brown.“There’s a lot of people who know the answer, and we don’t.”To Brown, struggling with anxiety and depression after her son’s death, people keeping the killers’ secrets are “no better than the person who pulled the trigger,” she said.“They have kids, they have sons, they have grandchildren. How would they feel if this ...

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