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RSS FeedsThe HumanEyes Vuze XR shoots both 360° and 180° (3D) video
(Digital Photography Review)


19 july 2018 22:40:30

The HumanEyes Vuze XR shoots both 360° and 180° (3D) video
(Digital Photography Review)

$(document).ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({`containerId`:`embeddedSampleGallery_6958601232`,`galleryId`:`6958601232`,`isEmbeddedWidget`:true,`selectedImageIndex`:0,`isMobile`:false}) }); HumanEyes Technology has announced the Vuze XR camera, a product the company describes as a `dual camera` since it can be used for two distinctly different applications. The Vuze XR captures standard 360° spherical video in 5.7K resolution. Like the Rylo Camera or the GoPro Fusion, it appears to provide editing tools that will allow users to create 16:9 videos from the 360° footage or zoom out to a `tiny planet` view, allowing for a lot of creative choices to be made after video is recorded. By flipping both of its cameras outward, the Vuze XR transforms into a camera that captures 180° stereoscopic video similar to the Lucid VR or Yi Horizon VR180 camera, providing an immersive 3D experience to viewers when used with VR goggles. While the Vuze XR doesn`t appear to break significant ground in either area, it presents an interesting option for 360°/VR content creators. Instead of having to purchase and carry two separate cameras, each of which may require different software and workflows, the Vuze XR promises to wrap both capabilities into a single camera. Additionally, the camera will support live streaming to social media, which may make it an attractive choice for activities such as travel where you want to keep things light but retain the flexibility to share your adventure in different ways. HumanEyes did not provide a specific release date, but says the Vuze XR will be available in the coming months at a price in the `$400 range`. HUMANEYES TECHNOLOGIES DEBUTS THE VUZE XR DUAL CAMERA, GIVING ANYONE THE POWER TO CREATE AND SHARE IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCES IN 360° (2D) OR VR180 (3D) With the touch of a button, the Vuze XR transforms from a 360° camera to a VR180 camera, enabling content creators to spontaneously tell any story, from every angle. NEW YORK CITY, Ju ...

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