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RSS FeedsIf Denmark is so liberal, why was it late to #MeToo? | Dorthe Nors
(The Guardian Denmark)


13 june 2018 12:00:20

If Denmark is so liberal, why was it late to #MeToo? | Dorthe Nors
(The Guardian Denmark)

Some older men think the anti-harassment campaign is out to destroy their freedom - that if you don´t agree with them you´re a puritanical prudeThey began to show up at dinner parties about six months ago. They´d appear in the guise of some charming man, about 60 years old. I would be seated beside him. It would all begin politely, but at some point someone at the table would mention #MeToo. Then something peculiar would happen. My dinner partner´s body language would change, and he´d launch into a heated diatribe against the movement. As if he´d blown an inner fuse.The first time, I was unsettled; the second, shocked. The pattern was basically the same each time. A well-educated man, in some cases powerful, and then me, a female Danish author who is an amiable and willing conversationalist - and then #MeToo pops up. Upon which his perception of me shifts, and I become a dustbin for his rage.In 1969 the concept of open-mindedness led to Denmark becoming the first country to make pornography freely available Related: Men after #MeToo: `There´s a narrative that masculinity is fundamentally toxic` Related: #MeToo: how a hashtag became a rallying cry against sexual harassment Continue reading...

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