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RSS FeedsIf freezing rain wasn´t bad enough, now there´s a wind warning
(The Star Food)


15 april 2018 22:36:55

If freezing rain wasn´t bad enough, now there´s a wind warning
(The Star Food)

Toronto streets remained blanketed with ice and snow Sunday as freezing rain pounded the GTA for a second day, and the lousy weather isn’t letting up.On Sunday afternoon, Environment Canada issued a wind warning for the city of Toronto, anticipating strong wind gusting up to 100 km/h along the shoreline.The wind warning follows two days of freezing rain and ice pellets that left roads and sidewalks slippery and treacherous.Many streets were not plowed, Mayor John Tory said at a morning media briefing, because the temperature is forecast to rise well above freezing overnight.“If you plow all of that slush onto the side of the road, it dramatically increases the chances of flooding later on,” Tory said.He said the decision to limit plowing was a judgement call made with a “long view in mind,” and that the city had contingency funds to pay for extra plowing if it were needed.“Flooding is as serious as the difficult road conditions today, in fact more serious.”Tory said the city’s priority would be road salt, which lessens slippery conditions without boosting the chances of flooding.The storm, which slammed into Toronto on Saturday, brought ice pellets early Sunday morning, but Environment Canada said the freezing rain that followed was expected to be followed by heavy rain that could total 20 to 25 millimetres.Tory said that despite slowdowns on the roads, the city was dealing with weather conditions that had been forecast.“Police and fire have reported very little out of the ordinary,” he said. “Whatever may come our way in the next 24 hours, we`re ready to deal with it.”Toronto police Const. Allyson Douglas-Cook said officers responded to a number of crashes on city streets Sunday and, “from what we`ve seen so far, the vast majority of these collisions seem to be a direct result of the weather.”Meteorologist Geoff Coulson says that this weather is unusual for April.“To look ...

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