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RSS FeedsTo stand, or not to stand. That is the question
(The Star Travel)


18 august 2017 03:07:29

To stand, or not to stand. That is the question
(The Star Travel)

If you tend to do a lot of standing at work, you may want to be sitting down to read this.A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that workers who primarily stand on the job are twice as likely to have heart disease than workers who mainly sit. That puts them more at risk of getting heart disease than smokers, said Peter Smith, a scientist from the Institute for Work and Health (IWH) and lead author of the study.The study, by researchers at the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences and the IWH, followed 7,300 heart disease-free Ontario workers for 12 years, from 2003 to 2015, to compare their standing/sitting work habits with whether they developed heart disease.The workers were respondents to the 2003 Canadian Community Health Survey, which collected a range of information on them from their work conditions and job title to their health and health behaviour.In total, 3.4 per cent of workers developed heart disease. Of that, 6.6 per cent of workers who mainly stood — in jobs that ranged from cashiers to chefs and from nurses to bank tellers — and 2.8 per cent of those who mostly sat at work developed heart disease.The risk of heart disease remained the same even after adjusting for factors like age, education, health conditions and ethnicity.“There are a couple of different mechanisms by which prolonged standing can increase your risk of heart disease,” Smith said.“One of them is by blood pooling in your legs and the other is by increased venous pressure in your body by trying to pump that blood back up to your heart and that increases oxidative stress.” The results may come as a surprise to many after earlier studies found prolonged sitting can raise the risk of dying. Smith acknowledged being sedentary is bad for health, but said not enough attention has been given to too much standing. Hilary Poirier, a customer service agent at WestJet in Halifax, spends most of the workday on her feet.&# ...

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